2019 Conference


The soil that a plant is rooted in is important.

Is the soil nutritious?

Does it give energy and sustain the life of the plant?

Does it anchor the plant making it resilient and healthy?

As we go about our daily tasks of support the well-being of students, how are we investing in the health of their ‘soil’?  Are we also investing in the health of our own soil?

Think of  a tree with a well-developed root system and planted in good soil. It is our task to provide support for student life professionals to build a strong foundation in a complex working world.  We need good roots and good soil that nourishes and stabilizes the work that we do as well as support our own well-being.

“Rooted In” – Theme for CACSD 2019

Think of a tree with a well-developed root system, planted in good soil.  Student Life Departments are like trees, complex and alive. We are rooted in the soil of theories and theology as well as history and humanity. At our conference this spring, we will consider the roots that nourish us while we also share about the winds and weather that challenge our health.

During the conference this year, we are focusing on the health of the systems (the soil) that we exist in at our institutions.  We hope to provide opportunities to learn about student development theories and experiences that support professional programs and personnel in our pursuit to build strong foundations for our programs and students.


Monday, June 3 

Preconference: Elk Island Walking Tour Lecture: 10 am to 3 pm 

Dr. Vern Peters leading a walking lecture through Elk Island National Park. Teaching about how trees are “rooted in” to their ecosystems so we can consider how we are rooted in to ours.  

Cost $30 includes transportation and picnic lunch. 

3:00 pm Registration/Check-In

4:00- 5:00 pm Campus Tour

5:00 pm Welcome Reception (Capilano Park -Site #1) 

5:30 pm Dinner (Hamburgers/Hot Dogs etc) 

7:00 pm Opening  

  • Prayer, welcome, worship?, etc - Tim Wood 

  • Welcome from CACSD Executive

Plenary - Vern Peters with small group discussion about last year

8:30 pm Evening Activities (Fire, 501 movie room, board games) 

Tuesday, June 4

8:00- 9:00 am - Breakfast (N101)

9:15-9:45 am Worship

9:45 am Introductions activity

10:30 Coffee break (in room)

11:00 am plenary session - Melanie Humphreys

12:30 - 2:00 pm Lunch - round tables (optional)

  • Spiritual Growth & Discipleship - hosted by Shelley Martindale

  • Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Strategies - hosted by Charlie Peronto

  • International Students - hosted by Regina Dizon??

2:00-2:30 pm Break

2:30 - 3:45 pm Workshops

Workshop #1 - Student learning outcomes - A Strategy for Active Participation in Mission  

Presenter: Melanie Humphreys

Workshop #2 - Restorative Practice: Rich Soil for Student Growth

Presenters: Alison Exner & Jacob Paterson

4:15 pm Excursions leave

5:00 pm Tour of the legislature (booked by Witty max of 25 people). 

Transport to Whyte Ave. 

Supper out & flyer given of options of stuff to do and where to eat on Whyte. 

9:00 pm Pick from Whyte back to campus

Evening activities (possible on-campus activities 501 or 601 or Oak room if available - movie or hangout)

Wednesday, June 5

8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast  (N101)

9:15 am Worship

9:45 am Plenary Session: Keep Calm and Stay Anchored- Cathryn Heslep

10:45 - 11:15 am Coffee break

11:15 Workshops

Workshop #1 Growing Your Student Leadership Program

Presenters: Kathleen Doll & Stan Bahnman

Workshop #2 Christian Institutions and Consent

Presenter: Charlie Peronto

12:30 - 1:30 pm lunch

1:30 - 2:30 pm Communities of Practice

  • Residence Life - facilitated by Justin Harvey

  • Senior Administrators - facilitated by Marilyn Peters Kliewer

  • Supporting Student Leaders as First Responders - facilitated by Shannon Loewen & Sandra Loeppky

2:30 - 3:00 pm Break

3:00 - 4:30 pm AGM

6:00 pm Banquet (M.C Ed Childs) (The Level)

The Reveal of next year’s host

Evening Entertainment (TBD)

Thursday, June 6

8:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast (N101)

9:15 am Activity

10:45 am Communion/Closing Session 

12:00 pm Pack and Go Snack (Full lunch on your own)