CACSD Executive Team
We want to hear from our fellow CACSD members about how we can serve you and our organization better. Please feel free to contact any executive member with any questions or suggestions that you might have. We look forward to connecting!
Charlie Peronto – President
Manager of International Student and Accessibility Programs, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, MB
Samantha Samon - Vice President
Residence Life Area Coordinator, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
“What I enjoy most about being a member of the CACSD is being able to connect with other Christian Higher Ed professionals that I can learn from. I also appreciate being a part of a community of people who understand what it means to work in the field and can relate to the joys and challenges that come with it”
George Sweetman -
Dean of Students, Tyndale University College, Toronto, ON
Melody Ilacas – Publications and Communications Manager
Student Life Advisor, Burman University, Lacombe, AB
“I enjoy being a member of CACSD because it of the community that is created with people who are also intersecting faith with education. I love meeting and connecting with people who face similar and different challenges. It is nice to know there are people who can give advice from a different lens.”
Crystal Knowles– Membership Coordinator
Manager of Campus Housing, Crandall University, Moncton, NB
“I love the friendship, collaboration and encouragement that comes from being part of the CACSD. There is the same heart for students, the same heart to serve and same love for Jesus that fuels all of our work.”