We are excited to announce the CACSD annual conference will be held online on May 31 and June 1, 2021. We are planning a time of spiritual refreshment, professional development, workshops, and roundtable discussions. The conference will be held in two half-day sections which will combine professional development with space for connecting with colleagues.
To help with the development of the conference we rely on our membership to help deliver workshops. The workshop sessions are to be approximately 60 minutes each and are offered concurrently a few times within the conference schedule. Conference participants can choose the workshops they want to attend, which means the number of participants can range from 3-15 depending on the 'popularity' of the workshop topic. Please note that a workshop can take many forms; be it presentation of content or facilitation of process, all are welcome.
We encourage workshop proposals that are reflective of any aspect related to the field of Student Development. Our hope is that submissions would illuminate research, theories, experiences, and principles that will encourage a greater sense of purpose and intentionality in the lives of participants as well as excellence in carrying out the work we do as student development professionals.
If you know of others that are experts in any field of student development (including areas of career development, campus ministries, disability services, etc.) we encourage you to share with them both the conference and the opportunity to present.
Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday, April 30, 2021
You can email all workshop proposals to our Vice President, Julian Erb - Julian.Erb@ambrose.edu